Wednesday, 30 October 2019

El Capitan 2019

 Sorting out our gear from the other's on Mammoth
 Michael on 1st C2 Pitch

 Michael on 2nd C2 Pitch

 Me leading the wide glassy awkward chimney up to Gray Ledges

 Looking for spots to sleep on Gray ledges

 Me leading the first traverse pitch after the crux C2 pitch.

 The crossroads, where we slept the 2nd night.

 Ledge was too slopy to sleep there. Almost like I need something called Fat Matt's Flat Mat.
 Just fixed the pitch to Camp 4 as Michael follows me up. Really fun widish crack.
 Michael on the great roof

 Pancake flake.

 Nice and comfy at camp 5

 And, the top. our last night's stay on El Cap

 Great shot with Cloud's rest in the background. We see the opposite photo soon.

Walking to Cloud's Rest.

 Looking back towards El Capitan.